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'Radiology and impact of Covid-19: what it means in clinical practice'


Dr Fiona MacLeod - Clinical Director of Radiology and Consultant Chest Radiologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Rachel Benamore - Clinical lead, Churchill Radiology and Consultant Chest Radiologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Maria Tsakok - NIHR ACF in Clinical Radiology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Madhu Chetan - ACF Radiology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Heiko Peschl - Constant Chest Radiologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Cheng Xie, Senior Academic Clinical Fellow / Registrar in Cardiothoracic Radiology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 


0800-0810          Introduction

                           Changes to working practices: pros and cons

                           Imaging appearances of Covid-19 on CXR

0820-0830          Covid-19 chest x-ray audit

0810-0820          Imaging appearances of Covid-19 on CT & Imaging pathway

0830-0840          Role of CTPA and dual energy CT in hypoxic patients

0840-0845          Pre-operative screening for Covid-19

0845-0850          Impact on other work streams, strategy for return to normal service

0850-0900          Close


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Please email Louise King if you would like to attend.


Chair: Professor Freddie Hamdy

All members of the University and NHS clinical staff are welcome.