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Emily Hotine, NDS Athena SWAN Coordinator, talks about the importance of anti-racism (and why it is not enough to simply say you’re not racist), the power of white privilege, and why we should all be saying, “black lives matter.”

Black Lives Matter logo

Blog posts

Pulling in one direction to fundraise for the Oxford Pancreatic and Liver (OPAL) fund

Last month, a team of cyclists that included two members of NDS (Mr Alex Gordon-Weeks and Martin Pirkl) cycled coast to coast of England to raise funds for OPAL. Here, Martin tells us more.

Support Dimitrios as he runs not one, but two charity races to help beat cancer

NDS researcher Dimitrios Doultsinos is getting set to run a half marathon and a full marathon this autumn for the CRIS Cancer Foundation.

Getting race fit to support cancer research

Research Nurse Katherine (Katy) Gordon-Quayle is raising funds for Cancer Trials Ireland and the OPAL (Oxford Pancreatic and Liver) Fund by riding in a charity horse race on Pat Smullen Race Day at the Curragh in Ireland. Here she explains why she is undertaking such a momentous challenge.

The NDS work experience - where 5.30am wake ups are worth your time!

In this guest blog, Lison Lafarge from Buckinghamshire reflects on her experience of the 2023 NDS Work Experience Programme.

NDS Work Experience Programme: My reflections on an interesting and transformative week

Hello! My name is Bakhtawar and I’m from the vibrant city of Glasgow in Scotland. I am excited to share my reflections on the experience I had.

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