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The Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences is the academic department of surgery at the University of Oxford, and hosts a multidisciplinary team of senior clinical academic surgeons, senior scientists, junior clinicians and scientists in training.
Surgical Epidemiology Group (SEG)
The Surgical Epidemiology Group (SEG) is interested in translating epidemiological research to help in the care of surgical patients. We use population-level and other large datasets to help address clinical uncertainties in surgical practice.
Oxford Prostate Cancer Biology Group
The Prostate Cancer Biology Group focusses on metabolic pathways, spatial clonal biology, and developing multiplexed models to facilitate more accurate study of prostate cancer lethality.
Edwards Group | Bone Oncology
We aim to identify the mechanisms contributing to bone disease caused by cancer and develop new treatments for these conditions.
Tumour Evolution and Cell Identity Laboratory
The Cancer Research UK funded Tumour Evolution and Cell Identity Laboratory study the intersection between intestinal cancer evolution and stem cell biology.
The RESPOND Programme
The RESPOND Programme is a five-year programme which aims to develop and test the extent to which human factors interventions improve speed and quality of response to deteriorating emergency surgery patients. We are funded by the NIHR (Programme Grant NIHR200868).
IGF Group
Our research aims to understand the contribution of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) to cancer biology and use this information to benefit patients with cancer.
Oxford Research in Plastic surgery and Hand surgery Innovation Collaboration (ORPHIC)
ORPHIC - Oxford Research in Plastic surgery and Hand surgery Innovation Collaboration aims to research innovative aspects of plastic and hand surgery in collaboration with other groups.
Human Islet Isolation Facility
Here at the DRWF Human Islet Isolation Facility we isolate high quality human islets for both clinical and research use
Oxford University Global Surgery Group
The Oxford University Global Surgery Group (OUGSG) is a group of clinicians and researchers working together to contribute to the provision of high quality surgical care globally, particularly in low and middle income countries (LMICs).
Verrill Pathology Group
We aim to embed the role of pathology across all research for the benefit of patients and to bring about improvements in the quality of reseach. Our team have interests in a wide range of projects including in digital pathology and image analysis, and multimodal and molecular pathology. Our group also includes Oxford Biocore, the recently formed NDS Tissue Handling Platform.
Centre for Evidence in Transplantation
The Centre for Evidence in Transplantation (CET) was established at the beginning of 2005 by Professor Sir Peter Morris with the aim of providing a source of high quality evidence based information on all aspects of solid organ transplantation.
Oxford Academic Paediatric Surgery Unit (APSU)
This is one of few academic paediatric surgical units in the United Kingdom, and seeks to successfully translate basic science and clinical research from laboratory bench to patient bedside. The principal emphases of the unit are the endocrine and exocrine pancreas, cell transplantation, and evidence-based paediatric surgery.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
While ordinary ultrasound is well known for its diagnostic use, high intensity focused ultrasound can be used to destroy tissue, including cancers.
Oxford Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (OxAAA) Study
An aneurysm is present when an artery expands and becomes a "balloon" like structure. When left untreated, large aneurysms can burst suddenly and result in acute internal bleeding and subsequent mortality.
The ProtecT Trial
Aims to evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of treatments for men with localised prostate cancer in a pragmatic randomised controlled trial (RCT).
Quality in Organ Donation (QUOD)
The Quality in Organ Donation (QUOD) programme provides a unique resource to facilitate research in organ donation and transplantation.
Surgical Oncology
We investigate the management of prostate and bladder cancer, research into molecular mechanisms of cancer progression and biomarker research.
The COPE Consortium
We are working on improving preservation and reconditioning strategies for kidney and liver organs procured for transplantation.
Surgical Intervention Trials Unit (SITU)
One of only nine Royal College of Surgeons specialist trial centres across the whole of the UK, SITU is a collaboration between the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS) and the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS). We have an extensive portfolio of surgical trials and welcome expressions of interest from potential new researchers.
Oxford Consortium for Islet Transplantation (OXCIT)
Our multidisciplinary team of scientists and clinicians research ways to optimise human pancreatic islet transplantation with the goal of achieving insulin independence in patients with diabetes