APSU's mission
To strive for the highest standards of patient care
To undertake world-class basic science and clinical research
To offer high quality teaching and training to students and junior doctors
To develop and promote academic paediatric surgery
This is one of few academic paediatric surgical units in the United Kingdom, and seeks to successfully translate basic science and clinical research from laboratory bench to patient bedside. The principal emphases of the unit are the endocrine and exocrine pancreas, cell transplantation, and evidence-based paediatric surgery.
Welcome to the Oxford Academic Paediatric Surgery Unit (APSU). This site provides an overview of the range of activities of the unit, together with an introduction to members of the group.
Research Activities
The Academic Paediatric Surgery Unit undertakes research ranging from basic laboratory science to evidence-based clinical studies. The principal area of research relates to the endocrine pancreas, and in particular the field of pancreatic islet transplantation for juvenile-onset diabetes. The Group has an international reputation in this field.
The research group comprises clinicians, basic scientists, research fellows, clinical nurse specialists and technicians. Members of the group are currently working towards PhD, MD, and MSc degrees.
APSU has developed one of the few highly successful NIHR Clinical Academic Training Programme in Paediatric Surgery, comprising AFYs, ACFs and ACLs.
Clinical Activities
The unit is involved in the full range of neonatal and general paediatric surgery. Specialist interests are:
- paediatric endocrine surgery - we run a regional/national programme for thyroid and parathyroid conditions and neuroendocrine tumours
- pancreatic disease - endocrine and exocrine pancreas, including acute/chronic pancreatitis, islet allo-transplantation, and islet auto-transplantation
- day-case surgery - the full range of general paediatric day case conditions, including orchidopexy, circumcision, inguinal herniotomy, neonatal tongue-tie