We are 'greening up' our department by reducing our impact on the environment.
What is Green Impact?
Green Impact is a national environmental accreditation and awards scheme run by the NUS which brings together staff and students to improve sustainability in their department, building or college across the University.
In June 2023, the department was awarded a Green Impact Silver Award. The Business Administration Unit and Mills Lab both received a LEAF Silver Award, and Macaulay Lab, Oxford Neural Interfacing Group and Translational Research Immunology Group each received a LEAF Bronze Award.
The NDS Green Impact Committee
The NDS Green Impact Committee was set up in 2016 with the purpose of reducing the environmental impact of the department through sharing and implementing ideas and strategies relating to the environment and sustainability.
The committee is taking part in the University’s Green Impact Initiative and we are currently working towards attaining a Gold Award. The award scheme runs from May to April the following year when the work we have done will be assessed by a student auditor and the decision made whether we qualify for the award. It involves us meeting certain criteria across different areas including travel, recycling and energy and completing an online workbook of progress.
Get involved
If anyone is interested in joining the NDS Green Impact Committee or becoming involved in some of our activities we’d be delighted to have you.
Please contact Dimitrios Doultsinos for more information.
Dimitrios Doultsinos
PCF Young Investigator (class of 2022) Research Fellow
Jo Snoeck
Head of Administration and Finance
Marie Sion
DPhil student
Roxanne Williams
SITU Senior Clinical Trial Manager
Timothy Eden
Senior Finance Officer
Ninu Poulose
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Sotiris Mastoridis
Clinical Lecturer and Specialist Registrar in General Surgery
Lucia Cerundolo
Eleanor Wilson
Graduate Studies Administrator
Valerie Parke
Finance Officer
Jackie Heap
Assistant Surgical Course Administrator
Alison Horne
Data Manager
Zoe Uttley
EA to Director of NDS SITU, Professor Sheraz Markar, and SITU NDS Co-Ordinator