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John Radcliffe Hospital, Level 6, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU

Timothy Eden

Senior Finance Officer

My primary role is to assist my departmental peers in the placement and ordering of goods for clinical research and administration, whilst answering their questions regarding their financial budgets, and assisting in their day to day financial needs. Also, I lead the finance training for staff, and I am the portfolio holder for the Departmental Assets.

Beyond the scope of these tasks I also:

  • Authorise all requisitions, ensuring checks that University guidelines are strictly adhered to, especially in regard to VAT relief.
  • Create and answer all AR related queries.
  • Work with any queries, either from suppliers or requestors, to ensure timely delivery of clinically-sensitive items.
  • Am responsible for end of month procedures regarding the purchasing role, including running daily and monthly reports for review by the Finance Manager.
  • Am responsible for GL maintenance, including journal creation and report distribution.
  • Accept and distribute deliveries for working groups within the Main Wing of the John Radcliffe Hospital.
  • Maintain the department’s archive and filing system.
  • Assist the Senior Finance Manager, Finance Manager, and Accounts Assistant in their daily roles.
  • Am the point person for the Bike Doctor service.

Prior to working for Surgical Sciences, I worked as a temp within the University’s Temporary Staffing Service, as well as holding other posts outside of the University.