Ledingham Lecture Series
Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 6pm to 7.30pm
St Anne's College, 56 Woodstock Rd, Oxford OX2 6HS
'A conversation with Professor Tim Peto'
Oxford University Medical Education Fellows (OUMEF) would like to invite you to attend their first Ledingham Lecture of the year 'A conversation with Professor Tim Peto'.
The “Ledingham Lecture Series” is a programme of TED-like talks for doctors, medical undergraduates, allied healthcare professionals and interested public, given by invited clinicians and academics who are leaders in their field on the high and low lights of their exemplary careers.
You can register on Eventbrite.
The talk is free to attend with complimentary drinks beforehand. There will be a dinner at St Anne’s afterwards giving you an excellent opportunity to network and continue the conversation with Professor Peto; it is only £40, subsided and cooked by Head Chef Raymond Killick, who was recently awarded “Chef of the Year”. To book your dinner ticket please contact Ann Ogbemudia.