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The Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences recently announced the winners of its drawing competition for Year 6 pupils from local primary schools in Headington, Oxford.

The winning drawing by Kyann from St Nicholas' Primary School

The aim of the competition was to help children, teachers and parents think about what science and surgery mean to them in order to promote and develop an interest in science among younger children.

The overall winner was Kyann from St Nicholas' Primary School, who won an individual prize of a skeleton with removable organs and an additional prize of an educational anatomy model for the school.

The winner from St Michael's CE Primary School was Anees and the joint runners-up were Hajra from St Nicholas' and Aaron from St Michael's.

Drawing competition - what science and surgery mean to me© NDS

The winners were announced over assembly at the schools to the surprise and delight of the children.

Some of the beautiful illustrations were displayed on the NDS stand at the Oxfordshire Science Festival on Saturday 25 June in Oxford city centre (Broad Street).

Emma Morris, who is a researcher in bone oncology and the Public Engagement Coordinator for the department, commented: ‘We were impressed by the standard of the art work, and there was such a wonderful array of entries showing how science is related to surgery. The message about how scientific work improves surgical practice, which in turn makes a huge difference to people’s lives, was depicted very well in the winning drawings’.


Hajra's drawing:

Drawing competition - what science and surgery mean to me© NDS 

Aaron's drawing:

Drawing competition - what science and surgery mean to me© NDS