12th Medical Sciences Division DPhil Day
Keynote lecture by Professor Adrian Hill, who led the first clinical trial of the Ebola virus vaccine in 2014.
Research Teaching
Thursday, 09 July 2015, 9.20am to 5.15pm
Tingewick Hall and Lecture Theatre 2, John Radcliffe Hospital
The Medical Sciences DPhil Day is an annual symposium where students from the division are able to present their work and meet peers from all the Medical Sciences departments.
Online registration and abstract submission is now open: https://sites.google.com/site/dphilday2015/home
Abstract submission deadline: 12 June
Registration deadline: 29 June
- Keynote lecture by Professor Adrian Hill
- Talks and posters from students of the Medical Sciences Division
- Career talks by Alumni of the Medical Sciences
- Cash prizes for the best talk and poster (and runner up prizes
- Exhibitions from sponsors and careers service
- Wine and nibbles reception & networking with the University of Oxford DPhil students
The DPhil Day is free to attend and open to all students and staff of the University.
For more information and to register: https://sites.google.com/site/dphilday2015/home