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The GASOC (Global Anaesthesia, Surgery & Obstetric Collaboration) Annual Conference is designed to help global surgeons, obstetricians and anaesthetists achieve their goal of contributing to global surgical equality.

Join the Oxford Surgical Group at the GASOC 2018 Annual conference in Oxford on 14 September 2018
A full day of education and conversation around global surgery

  • Speakers from MSF, WaterAid, London School of Tropical Medicine
  • Workshops on getting involved
  • College representatives discussing training implications
  • Exciting lectures on aspects surrounding surgery in LMICs
  • Opportunities to talk with like-minded colleagues
  • CPD points applied for


  • We invite abstracts for poster presentations related to global surgery.
  • Original research, quality improvement projects and case reports accepted
  • Closing date extended to 1 August                                          
  • Submit your abstract

Student elective competition

  • Submit your once-in-a-lifetime elective photo which sums up your medical elective
  • Top three photos get to present their elective experience at the conference
  • More info here


Tickets £85 (includes refreshments and hot lunch)
Student price: £45 please email us at to reserve your place.