Surgical Grand Rounds - Dr Thomas Barnes and Professor Simon Buczacki
Friday, 12 May 2023, 8am to 9am
Lecture Theatre 1, Academic Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, and also online via Microsoft Teams
Colorectal Surgery
Dr Thomas Barnes (Colorectal SpR) will present 'Applications of near infrared fluorescence in surgery'.
Professor Simon Buczacki will discuss 'The role of mutation order in cancer evolution'.
Simon is the Richard Blackwell Pharsalia Professor of Colorectal Surgery who joined NDS in late-2020. He went to medical school in Cambridge (’95-’00) and similarly completed his surgical training there (’14). From 2015, he was the Cambridge Cancer Centre Lead for Aerodigestive Cancer and a Group Leader at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. Currently funded by a CRUK Advanced Clinician Scientist Fellowship, Simon’s group is located in the Old Road Campus Research Building and focusses on exploring the intersection between stem cell biology and cancer evolution.
Tom is a final year specialist registrar in Oxford. He qualified from Liverpool University in 2010 and moved to Oxford in 2014. He completed his DPhil in fluorescence guided surgery conducting a number of first in man and proof of principle clinical trials namely looking at applications of fluorescence for critical anatomy identification. He has continued his clinical training in the Oxford region with an interest in rectal cancer. His fellowship next year will be focussing on advanced and recurrent rectal cancer at the Peter Mac Cancer Centre in Melbourne.
Chair: Mr Bruce George
All members of the University and NHS clinical staff are welcome.
Please email Louise King if you would like to attend online.