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Our congratulations go to Dr Richard Colling from the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS) who has been elected to a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) at Kellogg College in Oxford.

Dr Colling is a Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Cellular Pathology (Histopathology) and a key area of his work is in developing the use of digital pathology tools, machine learning and image analysis for use in clinical practice. Working on the Innovate UK PathLAKE project at the Oxford Centre, he is collaborating with a multidisciplinary team on digital pathology in the Verrill Pathology Group at NDS.

The main duty of the Junior Research Fellow is to undertake research, however it is hoped that the JRF will also contribute to the general intellectual life of Kellogg College. Dr Colling is looking forward to the opportunity to be involved with outreach, social and academic events, and other activities at the College and network with more medics and academics across the University. He will also be acting as a College Advisor to a number of graduate students.

Commenting on his appointment, which takes effect from October 2019, Dr Colling said: “I am delighted to have been elected to a JRF at Kellogg. Being a College JRF will give me the opportunity to meet and share ideas with academics, researchers and students from across the wider University. I hope I will be able to act as a bridge between NDS and the College and help spread the word about what we are doing with digital pathology in Oxford.”

Read more about Dr Richard Colling.


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