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Several members of the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences’ Outreach Working Group have run their second ‘Science Outreach’ session in an Oxfordshire primary school.

Emma Morris (Postdoctoral Researcher and Public Engagement Coordinator), Sarah Cross (Postdoctoral Scientist), Sarah Gooding (Clinical Research Fellow) and Jo Cook (Research Nurse) ran a three-hour session for Year 6 children aged 10-11 comprising four ‘science’ stations. The children rotated in groups around each station which had a different theme showcasing the work that we do in the department.

The themes included: the structure and components of a bone; transplantation; the operating theatre; and blood cells and their jobs. All themes were aimed at the appropriate level and involved discussion and practical elements.

The children then had an opportunity to share with the team what they did and didn’t like about the session. Within science and surgery some of the aspects of the work are unpleasant, but it has to be done in order to find the answer.

Both the schools visited have given excellent feedback from both the staff and children, and have welcomed the group back. They hope to run the session in two more schools next year. 


Please contact Emma Morris, who leads the Outreach Working Group, with any questions you may have.

The photo above was kindly taken by Emma’s daughter, herself a pupil at the school.

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