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Local excision is an established treatment for significant benign rectal tumours and early-stage cancers. It provides cure for most patients with pT1 disease, with minimum impact on quality of life. It is particularly suitable for elderly or comorbid patients. Local excision is associated with a risk of local recurrence, and this may vary from 5 to 30%, as determined by pathological risk factors. Recurrent cancer may be challenging to manage, but this may be mitigated by early detection with intensive surveillance and the use of adjuvant radiotherapy. This approach offers a realistic option for organ preservation in carefully selected early-stage disease compared with primary treatment with radiotherapy or total neoadjuvant treatment.

Original publication




Journal article


Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol)

Publication Date





82 - 86


Early rectal cancer, local excision, organ preservation, Humans, Aged, Quality of Life, Neoplasm Staging, Rectal Neoplasms, Digestive System Surgical Procedures, Chemoradiotherapy, Neoadjuvant Therapy, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Treatment Outcome