Association between polymorphisms in the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) promoter and release of PSA.
Sävblom C., Giwercman A., Malm J., Halldén C., Lundin K., Lilja H., Giwercman Y.
Variations in serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) have been ascribed to A/G nucleotide polymorphisms located at -158 bp (rs266882) and -4643 bp (rs925013), relative to the transcription start site within the promoter of the PSA gene. PSA is also an androgen receptor target (AR) gene and polymorphisms in AR gene are known to affect AR function. Our objective was to compare the impact of these A/G polymorphisms separately or in combination with AR CAG micro satellite on regulation of PSA secretion into seminal plasma and blood in young men. Leukocyte DNA was extracted from 291 conscripts and genotyping performed with the Sequenom Mass Array System. PSA was measured with an immunofluorometric assay. Linear regression analysis was used to test the association of polymorphism frequencies with serum and seminal plasma levels of PSA. PSA gene polymorphisms at -158 bp or -4643 bp did not alone influence total PSA (tPSA) levels in seminal plasma or in blood. Homozygotes for the A-allele at -158 bp in combination with CAG > 22 had significantly higher serum levels of tPSA than subjects carrying the G-allele (p = 0.01). In conclusion, the PSA gene polymorphisms did not importantly influence the levels of tPSA in seminal plasma or in blood. tPSA in serum was influenced by interactions between PSA promoter variants and AR CAG polymorphism.