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OPINION STATEMENT: The mainstay of treatment for men with three or fewer non-castrate metastatic lesions outside of the prostate remains morbid palliative androgen deprivation therapy. We believe there is now a significant body of retrospective literature to suggest a survival benefit if these men have radical treatment to their primary tumour alongside 'metastasis-directed therapy' to the metastatic deposits. However, this regimen should be reserved to high-volume centres with quality assurance programmes and excellent outcomes. Patients should be made clear as to the uncertainty of benefit for this multi-site treatment strategy, and we await the publication of randomised controlled trials reporting in the next 5 years.

Original publication




Journal article


Curr Treat Options Oncol

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Oligometastatic, Prostate cancer, Combined Modality Therapy, Disease Management, Humans, Male, Neoplasm Metastasis, Prostatic Neoplasms, Treatment Outcome