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Multiscale topology classifies cells in subcellular spatial transcriptomics.

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Benjamin K. et al, (2024), Nature

Distinct metabolic pathways mediate regulatory T cell differentiation and function.

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Hashimoto H. et al, (2020), Immunol Lett, 223, 53 - 61

Infantile virilisation caused by an androstenedione-producing adrenal adenoma

Journal article

McCallion O. et al, (2019), Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 48

Deciphering the Contribution of γδ T Cells to Outcomes in Transplantation.

Journal article

McCallion O. et al, (2018), Transplantation, 102, 1983 - 1993

Music models aberrant rule decoding and reward valuation in dementia.

Journal article

Clark CN. et al, (2018), Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 13, 192 - 202