Contact information
John Radcliffe Hospital, West Wing, Level 6, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU
DPhil start date
5 October 2020
Professor James FitzGerald and Professor Brian Andrews (visiting professor)
Research groups
Linshan Chu
BEng (Hons), MSc
DPhil student
Linshan completed her BEng degree in bioengineering at the University of Sheffield in 2019. She was supervised by Professor Daniel Coca during her BEng final-year project to investigate the drosophila brain network controllability and their corresponding ‘control profile’ of different local processing functional units in their brain connectome to identify the relationship between control profile features and the function categories of each local processing unit. The project also indicated the dominant neurons and their functions in drosophila, which can potentially be used in interdisciplinary fields, such as brain network visualisation, robot design, clinic diagnosis and surgical priority decision.
Then she completed her MSc degree in translational neuroscience at Imperial College London in 2020. During her six-month project, she worked in Professor Simone Di Giovanni’s Lab group and focused on neuroregeneration field. The project aimed to investigate the individual and synergic role of metabolic, immune and microbiome systems in the neuroregeneration process after peripheral nervous system and central nervous system injuries.
She is currently a DPhil researcher in the Oxford Neural Interfacing group. Her interest is to apply bioengineering, especially tissue engineering techniques to the treatments of neurological diseases, aiming to help with neuroregeneration and functional recovery.
Under the supervision of Professor James FitzGerald and Professor Brian Andrews in Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, she is currently working on designing an implantable device to improve neuromuscular functional recovery and functional daily motion support, mainly focusing on denervated muscle reinnervation and functional stimulation.