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The Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS) has launched a new section on its website offering an overview of the many artificial intelligence (AI) projects underway in the department.

Home page of the AI web section with the heading 'NDS is at the interface between modern clinical care and cutting-edge data science', alongside an animation with the text 'Detection and Diagnosis', 'Evaluation and Prognosis', 'Clinical Intervention' and 'Disease Monitoring'.

NDS is a centre of research excellence in the use of AI in healthcare. AI offers the potential for an improved patient experience across the entire care pathway. The department is deeply involved in ground-breaking projects, including those in digital pathology, precision medicine, and beyond.

The new web section brings together information on all the AI research and clinical activities happening within the department. Explore the AI web section to find out more. The team, who will continue to develop and improve the section, would be very happy to hear your thoughts. 

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