Oxford Surgical Innovation Conference 2020
Friday, 13 March 2020, 8.45am to 5.30pm
St Catherine's College, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UJ
A showcase of recent innovations in surgical practice and policy, aimed at surgically inclined students, trainees and consultants
Talks from keynote speakers
Dr Neil McGuire: Senior Clinician at Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
Dr Sushma Shankar: NIHR Clinical Lecturer in General Surgery and Transplantation
Professor Constantin Coussios: Statutory Chair of Biomedical Engineering at Oxford University
Workshops and short talks
Surgical and Interventional Research with Professor Peter McCulloch
Hololens and the teaching of anatomy 21st Century style with Mr Tom Cosker
Buffet lunch included, with refreshments in the morning and afternoon.
6 CPD points accredited