Professor Kathryn Wood has been awarded the prestigious “Maharshi Sushruta Award for Transplantation Biology” for her contribution to Transplantation Immunology- Basic Sciences. Kathryn attended the Transplantation Update 2012 meeting on 28, 29th and 30th September, in Ahmedabad, India where she was presented with the award at a special ceremony; “Maharshi Sushruta Gnyaanpeeth Sanmaan”. The award, determined by a committee of peers, was made by Prof. H.L. Trivedi Professor and Director of the G.R.Doshi Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Center and the Dr. H.L.Trivedi Institute of Transplantation Sciences, in Ahmedabad, India.
Professor Kathryn Wood has been awarded “Maharshi Sushruta Award for Transplantation Biology”