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QUAlity biobank iNvesTigating Urological Malignancies (QUANTUM) logo

Anyone wishing to access samples from the Biobank should in the first instance approach:

  • the QUANTUM Biobank CI or 
  • the Module Lead Clinician; or
  • the Biobank Management team (via email:

Applicants are welcome to make preliminary enquiries by email. These ‘expressions of interest’ should include:

  • An introduction of the Principal Investigator (PI) concerned with the proposed / research and which institution/department they are applying from.
  • Details of anyone acting on the behalf of the PI for the application.  
  • Details of the proposed study/project title and a brief synopsis of the research objective/aims.
  • SAMPLE requirements (to include):

         - How many groups of patients / patient cohorts

         - Number of donors per group/cohort

         - Criteria for selection of patient cohorts

         - Sample types required (including quantity and volume of sample)

         - Number of samples (of each type) required per patient

         - Any other useful/relevant information