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QUAlity biobank iNvesTigating Urological Malignancies (QUANTUM) logo

Generally, initial enquiries / expressions of interest [PART A on Fig1. below], will be reviewed by QUANTUM coordinating staff within one week.  Provided there is sufficient detail to triage applications and assess if they are viable in terms of sample/data/service availability, a QUANTUM Application ID (QAID) will be assigned and a full application will be invited (see Sample Access Request form).  Additional dialogue between the biobank and researchers will often be required if project plans are unclear or need refinement.

Full applications will be reviewed by the QUANTUM Tissue Access Committee [see PART B on Fig 1. Below]. These applications may be reviewed by scientific experts in the field and may also be subject to a higher level review of approval criteria, which may also include a peer review of scientific merit.

Handling and administration of applications to the QUANTUM biobank

Fig 1. Handling and administration of applications to the QUANTUM biobank

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