John Radcliffe Hospital, Level 6, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU
Ashok Handa
Professor of Vascular Surgery and Director of Teaching in Surgery
- Surgical Tutor's Office - NDS Team of the Year 2019
Jackie Heap
Assistant Surgical Course Administrator
I started off working for the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences in 2003, in the ENT Department.
In 2007, I also began working in the Surgical Administration Office with the Surgical Tutor Team.
I work with Lucy Tipping, Professor Ashok Handa, Ms Mei Nortley and Miss Daljit Dhariwal. Here I assist with the delivery and administration of the Year 4 (1st Year clinical) and Year 6 (3rd/Final Year clinical) Surgical courses. We currently have approximately 360 students per academic year.
I assist with the administration of the teaching programmes. I ensure the compulsory paperwork for both year groups is submitted on time and I am involved in the Year 4 OSCE Examination and the 6th Year 2nd BM Examination - including arranging the Revision Course, prior to the 2nd BM Exam.
I arrange placements for work experience students and Elective Students that are referred to our office.
I oversee the administration for the Basics in Medical Education Course and the Senior Faculty Development Day.