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NDS took part in the Secret Santa Scheme for the second year running this Christmas and I was very happy to donate a gift to one of the children.

The Secret Santa Scheme is a scheme where companies and organisations in Oxford donate presents to underprivileged children and young people throughout Oxfordshire.

This year, 44 staff members throughout the department showed their support to this cause by generously buying and wrapping gifts with a lot of thought and effort.

The gifts were delivered to Blake Morgan LLP, the law firm who co-ordinate the scheme with social services, and a Secret Santa Handover Event was organised at their offices at Seacourt Tower in Oxford. This was an opportunity to celebrate the hard work everyone has put in this year and to admire the enormous stack of presents before they are sent off to the children. The children will then receive their wonderful presents at their Christmas party.

I went to Blake Morgan for the handover of the presents, and was amazed at how many gifts had been donated by many local businesses including us.

There were 984 gifts in total and they are to be given to three areas of social care:

  • Children who have a parent in prison and having to live with the stigma and lack of financial support this has created;
  • Older young people who find themselves coming out of care and have no families or friends facing Christmas alone and without gifts;
  • Children under the care of Social Services.

Being a parent alone whilst my children grew up I understand how hard Christmas can be, so it was very important to be able to give something back to the community. It was a real privilege to see the gifts, meet the many companies that support this wonderful venture and after helping to deliver many of the gifts to the Rosehill Family Centre, being able to meet the many social workers who work tirelessly with the children, families and young people.

Blog posts

Joanna Hester shares her 'Collaboration in Action' story

Joanna Hester is an Associate Professor at NDS. In her collaboration story, Joanna shares her motivations and experiences in collaborating with various industry partners, starting from her post-doctoral days participating in EU-funded projects to her current role as a Principal Investigator.

Pulling in one direction to fundraise for the Oxford Pancreatic and Liver (OPAL) fund

Last month, a team of cyclists that included two members of NDS (Mr Alex Gordon-Weeks and Martin Pirkl) cycled coast to coast of England to raise funds for OPAL. Here, Martin tells us more.

Support Dimitrios as he runs not one, but two charity races to help beat cancer

NDS researcher Dimitrios Doultsinos is getting set to run a half marathon and a full marathon this autumn for the CRIS Cancer Foundation.

Getting race fit to support cancer research

Research Nurse Katherine (Katy) Gordon-Quayle is raising funds for Cancer Trials Ireland and the OPAL (Oxford Pancreatic and Liver) Fund by riding in a charity horse race on Pat Smullen Race Day at the Curragh in Ireland. Here she explains why she is undertaking such a momentous challenge.

The NDS work experience - where 5.30am wake ups are worth your time!

In this guest blog, Lison Lafarge from Buckinghamshire reflects on her experience of the 2023 NDS Work Experience Programme.