Oxford Transplant Biobank (OTB)
The Oxford Transplant Biobank (OTB) supports research intended to improve organ transplantation outcomes
Set up as a counterpart to its sister bioresource QUOD, the Oxford Transplant Biobank (OTB) collects biological samples from transplant recipients. These anonymised samples and associated clinical data are then made available for researchers looking at improving transplant outcomes.
Samples are collected from the beginning of the theatre procedure through to the recipient's recovery on the Transplant Ward and then during their follow up appointments in clinic. This includes blood, urine, and tissue from the recipients of both deceased and living donor organs. In addition, OTB collects samples from living donors during their donation procedure.
Samples are processed in a systematic manner and stored at the Churchill and John Radcliffe Hospitals. To date, OTB has recruited 618 participants, collected 26,860 blood/urine aliquots and 2,122 tissue samples. It has also supported 8 research projects.
OTB operates under the University's 12217 HTA licence and its own Research Ethics Committee approval (19/SC/0529). Working closely with the clinical team at the Churchill Hospital, OTB consists of a team of Transplant Technicians and a Biobank Coordinator who work to cover a 24/7 sample collection rota. Based at the Oxford Transplant Centre, OTB is a collaboration between the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences. The OTB Principal Investigator is Professor Rutger Ploeg.
For general questions or enquiries about accessing samples/data for research purposes, please email otbcontact@nds.ox.ac.uk.