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QUAlity biobank iNvesTigating Urological Malignancies (QUANTUM) logo

We will endeavour to review initial enquiries within one week of receiving them (although this may be subject to the availability of biobank management staff). Once initial communication has been established biobank staff will review and triage the information for completeness.  Additional dialogue will be required if information is unclear or incomplete. A decision will then be made to determine if a full application can be invited.

A Sample Access Request form (SARf) will then be sent by email to the applicant(s). The speed of process between the biobank receiving the completed SARf and the application being put forward for review at the next Tissue Access Committee (TAC) meeting will depend on the completeness and accuracy of the form and if any refinement of sample/data requests is required.

Viable applications will be put forward for review at the next scheduled TAC meeting. TAC meetings will be scheduled four times per annum (every three months), with meeting dates advertised on the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences website (or) can be obtained by contacting QUANTUM Biobank coordinating staff by email ( Applications must be received 10 working days prior to the next TAC meeting to be considered for that meeting. Late applications will be deferred to the next successive TAC meeting.

Following TAC review, feedback will be sent to the applicant within 10 working days. This will include the TAC review outcome, which will be one of:

  • Approved
  • Approved with conditions
  • Rejected
  • Pending (the TAC committee may need to seek further high-level peer review, advice on ethical issues or advice from regulatory authorities).