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QUAlity biobank iNvesTigating Urological Malignancies (QUANTUM) logo

Full applications to the QUANTUM Biobank will need to be submitted on a Project Application Form. This form will need to be satisfactorily completed before it is reviewed by the Tissue Access Committee. Please see ‘Guidance for completing the Project Application Form’ below.

Applicants are required to read and accept the Tissue Access Application, Terms & Conditions before submitting their applications for review (these are found at the end of the Sample Access Request form).

Guidance for completing the Project Application form



Required details

1Lead applicantThis should be the lead investigator (Principle Investigator or PI) responsible for the proposed study. They will hold overall responsibility for the coordination of the project.
1Contact personThis should be the main person (delegated by the PI) who is responsible for coordinating the Sample Access Request. All correspondence from the biobank will be directed to the person nominated. 
2Funding details Please provide brief details of research grant awards, peer reviewed grants or commercial grants which will support the cost of the research, including the duration of the funding.
3EthicsPlease indicate if you already have ethical approval for the use of samples in the proposed research.  The QUANTUM biobank holds generic ethical approval for research projects concerning research into urological malignancies (subject to successful Tissue Access Committee review).  The biobank programme covers a wide area of research and most proposals will not require specific REC approval if their projects fall within the remit of QUANTUM’s REC approval.
4Projects details Complete each section as described within.
5Samples and data required

Please include:

-      How many groups of patients / patient cohorts

-      Number of donors per group / cohort

-      Criteria for selection of patient cohorts

-      Sample types required (including quantity and volume of sample)

-      Number of samples (of each type) required per patient

N.B. Generic information on available sample types can be found within the QUANTUM web pages.  For more detailed characteristics required for sample selection please contact the biobank Data Manager on

Please complete all other parts of Section 5 as described within.