Clinical Course
Link to Weblearn
All of the course documents and information can be found on the Surgery Teaching pages in WebLearn
Welcome Packs
All specialties have produced a “Welcome Pack” giving details of their specialty activites and personnel. These include timetables and contact information for key staff.
Tutorial system
You will be allocated a tutor in small groups of five. Tutors are clinicians and/or clinical researchers and will aim to offer weekly one-hour tutorials based on the core curriculum. This is generally bedside teaching and you are encouraged to liaise with your tutor to discuss content.
Operating Theatre
Surgical Consultants operate across all sites – please ensure you are aware of the location of the list you wish to attend. You should ensure that you have viewed the teaching videos on Theatre Etiquette, Scrubbing, Gowning and Infection Control prior to entering the operating theatre for the first time. You should obtain a signature to confirm competence from a member of the theatre team either whilst in Oxford or at District General Hospital attachment.
Out-Patient Clinics
Out Patient clinics run in the Blue Area and West Wing of the main John Radcliffe Hospital and also at the Churchill and Horton Hospitals. Most specialties will allow medical students to clerk new patients prior to presenting them to the Consultant.
Surgical Emergency Unit
The Surgical Emergency Unit is based on level 6 at the main John Radcliffe site and students will be allocated to shifts during their surgical block.
core curriculum
There is an integrated core curriculum for the medical and surgical courses which can be found on Weblearn.