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The essential elements of the Year 6 Course

Three students in graduation attire outside a college

In Year 6 you will be asked to notify your firm preferences prior to the allocation of the surgical firms if you are joining from June to August, District General Hospitals will then be notified of which specialties have been covered to avoid repetition. Those joining in October to December will be asked for their choices during September, once they have covered their 6th Year DGH attachments


  • you should have already contacted your surgical tutor - details will be emailed to you approximately two weeks prior to joining
  • contact your long case assessor
  • you should watch the training films on Weblearn to refresh your gowning, gloving, scrubbing,infection control and theatre etiquette
  • you should take a look at the examination technique clips
  • you should check your allocated shifts on the Surgical Emergency Unit

During your surgical block

You should attend the following teaching:

  • Operating Theatres and Out Patient Clinics
  • Attend surgical Grand Rounds at 8:00am on Fridays
  • Tutorials
  • Firm based teaching
  • Radiology teaching on Friday afternoons at 2:30pm in the MRI Suite with Dr Niall Moore
  • Undertake your long case assessment during weeks 9 to 10 of the Oxford medicine/surgery block

You should aim to clerk in at least 10 patients every week.

At the end of your surgical block

You should complete and hand in the following paperwork by the Friday following the end of your attachment

  • Course Report Form  (signed by your tutor and supervising consultants from both specialties)
  • Long Case Assessment Form

We would also appreciate your feedback on the course by completing a short survey - you will be sent an email with a link towards the end of your attachment.

 During your 3rd year clinical course

Please contact the Surgical Course Administrator if you need any assistance, support or  further information on the surgical course.

There are student representatives on the Surgical Teaching Committee - they are there to represent your views so please contact them with feedback and questions.

Year six assessments

The Revision Course will run from the beginning of January for two weeks and is designed to cover the core topics in Medicine and Surgery as preparation for the Second BM written paper.

The Second BM Final Clinical Examination will take place in January each year.  Your scheduled times will be sent out from the Medical School in the New Year.